I learned many things during research. While I was researching I learned nothing can be made by thinking. If you want to make something different then you should put all the ingredient that you like and no one have ever thought that this thing can go together in one dish. I think I can put any kind of dry ingredients in dough that makes different in taste.My biggest challenge was to think of a different recipe that no one have ever thought of. I am still working on that.

I improve my cooking skills. By doing this entire how to use knife, cutting, how to mix things together, and how to work with oil. I have a few questions about cooking. How do chefs think of recipes? How they make new recipes? How do they know how much stuff to put a recipe to make it right? I think it take month’s to make a one recipe.

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    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    October 2013

